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My First Time  

Velvetreality127 55F
16 posts
7/22/2019 8:12 pm
My First Time

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RedSkin119 65M

9/5/2019 6:39 am

Well it has been more than a month and you have not shared. SECOND THOUGHTS.

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
7/29/2019 9:36 am

lol... go for it! 👍 🔥
... and have fun! I'll be reading. ☺️

Iwannacthat 56M

7/23/2019 12:58 pm

Very nice... glad you are cumming

RobK2006 56M
5998 posts
7/23/2019 6:38 am

This sounds like my kind of blog! Can't wait to read it while I stroke my hard cock.

tall4fun67 57M
4 posts
7/23/2019 5:36 am

Looking forward to deep diving into the thoughts and desires you decide to share>

lLbow2459 64M
543 posts
7/23/2019 5:18 am

Look forward to reading about your experiences. Will stay tuned!

captivatingcock 33M

7/23/2019 3:01 am

Welcome! I’m so glad you decided to make your first post here and certainly look forward to seeing many more posts! This is the first blog I have ever written here and I have found it to be quite enjoyably and fun. Best wishes!

glide50 72M

7/22/2019 8:46 pm

Very funny...thanks and hang in there..g

mc_justmc 63M

7/22/2019 8:33 pm

you had me at "slinging words like pussy".

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