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I'm Bad At Life (Ronnie Radke)- Chapter 3  

itzchic824 37F
1215 posts
11/25/2017 7:01 pm

Last Read:
11/26/2017 10:15 am

I'm Bad At Life (Ronnie Radke)- Chapter 3


"Oh sorry, I'm Lynn."

I couldn't figure this girl out, she knew who I was so she had to have been a fan, but wasn't freaking out. Hell even at the sight of all the blood and injuries she was calm and collected. I wondered what was going on inside her mind. Any other chick would've been all over me, wouldn't have even realized how much pain I was in. She seemed to sense it, being careful when touching me. I studied her when she wasn't looking as she tried to patch me up. She was nowhere near my type physically, but she seemed sane and intelligent. I also found myself smiling at her quick retorts. It was lucky she had found me. I woke up in the dark - cold and in a hell of a lot of pain.

It was agony getting to her hotel, but there was no way I was going to a hospital here. I needed to find out who had done this to me. I didn't need rumors spreading when I had no answers. My memory was completely blacked out from the time I stepped outside after the show until I woke up in that alley. Someone had to have come at me from behind.

I was exhausted, watching her from under my eyelashes. She was trying to contact one of our pages, hoping someone would open her message somewhere. I couldn't remember anyone's numbers. I never needed to with them being saved in my phone and she was right, I didn't want to take the chance of signing into her phone with one of my accounts. She seemed ok but I didn't know her. I suppose I could've just changed my password afterwards, but I didn't know how tech savvy she was and if she could still find a way. I didn't think she would, but again, who knew? I had learned to be wary of even friends, let alone strange girls.

After about a half hour of her flipping around on her phone, she sighed and stood up. She plugged it into the charger on the stand next to the bed. I could see the circles under her eyes, she was beyond ready to pass out. I felt like a dick then, I was in her bed and she was trying to make sure I was comfortable.

"Come on,"I said as I patted the space next to me,"You're going to fall over and there's plenty of room here."

"" she was going to resist but I guess her exhaustion won out.

She pulled the covers out from under my legs carefully and back to the foot of the bed. Then she climbed in and pulled the blankets up over us, with a big space between us where she was on the end of the bed.

Ignoring the pain, I leaned over and pulled her nearer to me by putting my arm around her shoulders. She could've refused to move, but I guess looking as I did at the moment, she didn't want to take the chance of hurting me. I could see the concern cross her face. So she allowed herself to be pulled.

I swallowed back a grimace and smiled instead. "There, that's better. This is your bed, I'm the intruder,"I joked.

She laughed softly, no energy left to do more, and leaned back against the pillows. I didn't move my arm, even though my body was protesting the position. I felt drawn to her, there was some kind of aura she had. I slid down a bit, so I was also laying on the pillows. I could feel her try to discretely move away from my arm, but I wouldn't budge.

"So I guess we wait and see if anyone answers," she said and then promptly yawned.

"Yep, looks like it. I'm sorry to put you out like this."

She smiled sleepily,"Eh, it's ok. Here it was a boring night after the show and I was wishing for excitement. Looks like I got it."

That made me chuckle. "Yeah I guess a half naked Ronnie is excitement huh?"

She raised her eyebrow,"You think you're all that, don't you?" I thought I pissed her off, then.."It's just the tattoos you nympho, without them you're just a skinny white boy." She smirked up at me.

I found myself grinning back,"Ouch! Direct hit." I pressed the arm not around her, to my chest in mock hurt.

"So.." I said after a minute when we had calmed down from the laughing, which wasn't dong my ribs any favors,"you went to the show tonight?"

"Yep. My first Falling In Reverse show."

"I don't remember seeing you...?"

"First of all dude, it was sold out with tons of people, mostly girls dying for a piece of you," she teased. "Second of all, I was over on the side by Christian against the wall. So I would be very surprised if you did see me. Though I did get some good video. You are all over that stage like a cheap slut though. I ended up just focusing on Christian and trying to get you in frame at the same time."

I was enjoying this verbal sparring,"I'm hurt, but then again not many can keep up with me."

She stuck her tongue out at me,"Nah, Christian is just better to look at."

"Uh huh. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I squeezed her shoulder.

We continued to talk for a little longer. I found out she was from almost 2 hours away. But came here a lot for shows. She had actually come to see our one opening band, who was local to the area and that she very much supported. She had never heard of us until that band announced the show. I pretended to be heartbroken at that announcement. But she said she had checked us out before the show, liked our music enough to stick around for our set, and had really enjoyed herself and the high energy.

That made me feel good, coming from her for some reason, that I was able to turn her into a fan - mainly from one show.

She had her brown eyes closed and would talk half asleep as the conversation wore on. Eventually we both drifted off from total exhaustion.

Copyright 2017

I sent an Angel to watch over you last night, it returned in a hurry. I asked why, it said "Angels can't watch porn." Thanks for fucking traumatizing my fucking Angel!

Don't bother trying to figure me out. Not even the little voices in my head understand me. It's pointless!

travellerabc123 54M
3989 posts
11/26/2017 9:50 am

Poor poor Ronnie.
What will chapter 4 bring?

Embrace the suck

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